Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil
Hyuuga Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Botanical name: Boswellia Serrata
Ingredient: 100% pure essential oil
Extraction method: Steam distillation
Country of Origin: India
Aroma: Resinous/Musky
Blends well with Lavender, Orange, Benzoin, Lemon and Bergamot and more

Handcrafted in small batches in Singapore 

Folklore and Herbal Heritage

Since the beginning of recorded history, frankincense has been associated with spirituality. The sensuous, spicy fragrance of burning frankincense wafted through temples in ancient Egypt. During religious rituals, Egyptians offered it to their gods in hopes of expelling evil spirits. Since antiquity, frankincense has been incorporated into incense in China, Egypt, and India. Worshippers in their cultures inhaled it to achieve deeper levels of meditation. 

Frankincense was a prized possession in ancient times, as valuable as many precious gems and metals. The Queen of Sheba, whose country was a main supplier of frankincense in ancient times, reportedly undertook a perilous journey to visit King Solomon in Israel to ensure his business.

Frankincense was one of the first cosmetic miracle ingredients, it proved so successful when Egyptian embalmers used it to preserve the bodies of dead royalty and rulers that people decided to take advantage of its rejuvenation and restorative properties while alive. 

Medicinal Uses

Medical professionals in Europe and England today prescribe frankincense oil to treat today prescribe frankincense oils to treat many of the same disorders as the ancients did. It has a soothing and healing effect on mucous membranes wounds and inflammation. It can clear congestion in the lungs. Frankincense oil reduces swollen lymph glands in the neck. It soothes respiratory problems such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, the flu, and laryngitis it eases shortness of breath and helps avert asthma attacks.

Frankincense oil soothes stomach distress and eases digestive difficulties. It is frequently used in Europe to treat reproductive and urinary tract maladies. Medical practitioners say that it alleviates the discomfort of cystitis, genital infections, and kidney complaints. Inflammation of the breast responds well to the application of frankincense oil. 

Beauty Benefits

Although well known to ancient peoples, frankincense oil’s beautifying properties were practically forgotten for centuries. Its restorative, regenerating, and rejuvenating actions are especially useful for dry, mature, and sensitive skin. It smoothes lines and wrinkles and soothes and softens raw, chapped skin. Frankincense oil’s astringent properties help to balance oily skin. It accelerates the healing of blemishes, inflammations, sores, scars, skin ulcers, and wounds.

Frankincense was one of the first botanical essences to be used in fragrances. It has a powerful fixative quality and it still used to add ‘staying power’ to perfumes.

Emotional effects

Frankincense helps to fortify a mind burdened with mental anxiety, nervous tension, panic, or stress. In the case of mental or physical exhaustion, it revitalizes both body and mind. It soothes the emotions comforts during transition and changes and heals emotional wounds.

Frankincense oil can help sever ties with the past that contribute to depression and hamper personal growth. By slowing respiration, frankincense oil produces a sense of serenity. It eases hyperactivity, impatience, irritability, and restlessness. It helps to focus on energy, minimize distractions, and improve concentration. Frankincense allows freedom from attachments to material objects and to outcomes. Self-discipline in spirituality can then translate into purposeful endeavours in the outer world.

Other information

The small, shrubby frankincense tree bears abundant foliage and white or pale-pink blossoms. Gatherers gash and peel back the bark, which exudes a milky white juice. When it comes into contact with air, this sap solidifies into tear-shaped lumps that are amber or burnt orange and range from about ¼ inch to 1.1/2 inches in size. Steam distillation of the gum resin of Boswellia carteri or Boswellia thurifera renders a clear, pale yellow, or yellowish-green oil. It has a warm and woody, sweet and spicy, rich and resinous aroma, with a light, lemony undertone.

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$25.00 SGD
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