Natural Pocket Perfume Bundle

N a t u r a l  P o c k e t  P e r f u m e 

When art meets aromatherapy, our Natural Pocket PerfumeTM was designed with a modern touch while possessing the ability to heal your mind, heart and soul. With the intention of sharing aromatherapy on the go in a friendlier approach that is suitable for all walks of life.

With 5 scents to choose from, which possess different therapeutic benefits to enhance your mood for different occasions, from a single note to an essential oil blend. We hope that our Natural Pocket PerfumeTM could assist you as you live your story, feelings and beliefs.


The Melody of the Moon
Why is the moon so lonely? Because she used to have a lover.
His name was Kimi and they lived in the spirit world together.
And every night, they would wander the skies together. But one of the other spirit was jealous. Trickster wanted the Moon for himself. So he told Kimi that the Moon has asked for flowers; he told him to come to our world and pick her some wild roses. But Kimi didn't know that once he leaves the spirit world, he can never go back.

Hence every night, the moon would spread her luminous glow across the earth in search of Kimi... as she follows the trail of the floral aroma. And in the darkness, her moonlight reaches out to Kimi like a warm embrace.. but he could never touch her again. Mellowing, he sings to her, in the hope she can feel his presence; watching her. It was a melody of moonlight; Nightbird.


Nightbird essential oil scent gives an aroma of relaxant to promote comfort and rest after a rough day. As an antidepressant, it has the ability to free negativity, insomnia, tension and ease signs of frustration. Quick relief for anxiety and panic attacks.


Mesmerising floral melody notes with a soft and comforting sweet ending.


Relieves respiratory problems and soothes the nervous system. Also, ease muscle spams and relax tension in muscles. Balance hormonal cycle and ease uncomfortableness during or pre-menses. Stabilize emotions, providing calmness and 'happy mood'
Promotes imagination and confidence.


Geranium oil helps almost any skin type or skin condition. Its stimulating action promotes the regeneration of skin cells and speeds the healing of acne and blemishes. Ylang ylang essential oil By fights bacterial infection, it helps control acne and blemishes. Ylang ylang oil softens and smoothes skin and stimulates new cell growth, neroli help reduce the appearance of scarring as well as marks.


Made with a blend of Rose geranium, delicate Neroli flower, majestic Ylang Ylang and organic golden jojoba oil bottled in a 20ml bottle.


The enduring flame
Withered leaves and fallen flowers sparsely littered the pathway.
It was a warm, brilliant afternoon. A cool breeze rustled through the leaves of the tall tree around me and a whiff of fresh crisp greens filled my lungs.. I sink deeper into my Sukhasana pose and with each breath, I felt energy rise from within.


KAEN pocket perfume gives an aroma of energizing and lively mood when inhale. It has the ability to ignite the flame in your heart, increase trust, optimism and boost confidence, bringing you closer to your achievement. It heightens one's senses and also helps to improve memory.  KAEN also gently soothes emotional instability and stress, fights fatigue and manages clarity in a space of disorientation.


Packed with positivity, lively citrus, excitement, warm and spicy spirit.


KAEN has analgesic, antiseptic, antidepressant and antispasmodic properties. It soothes symptoms of colds and relieves congestion or respiratory issues such as asthma or bronchitis. Can also be used to ease insomnia, headache, menstrual cramps or signs of morning sickness; promoting/ regulating appetite. 


KAEN soothes and calms the skin while reducing stress associated with any skin problems. Contain Its antihistamine activity helps in relieving the sting and itch of insect bites. Its deodorizing action can freshen your body.


Made with a blend of Melissa, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Ginger and pure jojoba oil  bottled in a 20ml bottle.


The redolence of rebirth
By now, the rain has clear.. and little puffs of cloud disperse themselves across the endless blue sky.
The brilliant white gleam makes its appearance shyly, sparkling the tops of roofs and roads with its warm rays. I guess weathers are always trying to rewind us that we can always try again.


Lafrant. is a blend of recovery and immunity. It has the ability to balance emotions, dissipate anger, anxiousness and relieve mental fatigue as it bestows a depth of feeling, comforting one in time of transition. It inspires self-esteem and also stimulates the central nervous system by increasing alertness and promoting focus thinking.


The smell of fresh flowing stream, camphoraceous and soothing mints.


Lafrant. aids in relieving tension in muscles and muscle spasms. =When applied with a carrier oil, it relieves itch and aids in swelling from dermatitis and soothes sunburn (please consult your doctor before use if you have special skin conditions/ sensitivity) Can also be used as an insect repellent, it helps to treat insects bites and aids recovery in wounds. It clears congestion in the lungs and sinuses and improves the quality of breathing, especially for one who has respiratory issues such as asthma or bronchitis. 


Frankincense oil’s beautifying properties were practically forgotten for centuries. Its restorative, regenerating, and rejuvenating actions are especially useful for dry, mature, and sensitive skin. It smoothes lines and wrinkles, and soothes and softens raw, chapped skin. Peppermint oil fights bacterial infection and reduces the oiliness present with acne leaving the skin feeling soft and silky. Lavender oil reduces the inflammation of acne and soothes the pain of sunburn.


Made with a 100% natural blend of Frankincense, Lavender, Peppermint and pure jojoba oil bottled in a 20ml bottle.


Like the sweet sound, That breathes upon a bank of violets."

-William Shakespeare, 'Twelfth Night'.


Induces a sense of relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional stability, Reduces anxiety, tension, sadness, and emotional imbalance, promotes good quality sleep, enhances focus and inspires a sense of enlightenment.


Light and fresh, Delicate, sweet floral yet not overwhelmingly heavy.


European health professionals prescribe lavender oil for an array of ailments digestive disorders, earaches, respiratory illnesses kind disorders, and sore throats. Lavender oil clears the congestion and stuffiness of sinusitis and other respiratory ailments; it soothes sore throats, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. Lavender oil eases the pain and discomfort of muscular aches, spasms, and injuries and helps to heal bruises, cuts, and insect bites. It relieves the pain of migraines and tension headaches. It is also useful in reducing some of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and helps to boost immunity. 


Lavender oil calms and soothes the skin. It balances oil production, helps heal blemishes, and stimulates circulation to the skin. Lavender oil reduces the inflammation of acne and soothes the pain of sunburn regulates the oil secretions of the scalp and helps repair damaged or over-processed hair. 


Pure Lavender essential oil and organic golden jojoba oil bottled in a 20ml bottle.


Then she saw him stop and wipe his brow with his handkerchief. Once, twice. And then once again. But she did not see the grin of relief spread over his face. That she did not see because her eyes had filled with tears. And the geraniums, they were just as sad. In any case, that's how they smelled.

- Wolfgang Borchert


Geranium oil eases the anxiety, tension, and irritability resulting from mentally and physically demanding days. As an antidepressant, geranium has an uplifting effect that frees the mind from negative or depressing thoughts. Almost any stress-related condition responds to a few whiffs of it. As an added bonus, geranium oil can stimulate feelings of sensuality.

Geranium oil encourages self-expression, increases confidence, and helps overcome the fear of speaking, particularly in public. It promotes harmony in male-female relationships by balancing aggressive and passive tendencies and by improving intimate communication. Geranium heightens sensitivity to pleasurable sensations and enjoyable activities.


Floral, fresh, sweet with a hint of fruity aroma


European physicians today prescribe geranium oil to treat such ailments as diarrhoea, gallstone, kidney stones, and urinary tract infection. It relieves respiratory problems, particularly sore throats and tonsillitis. Geranium oil can balance hormones; it stimulates the adrenal cortex, which regulates the balance of hormones secreted by other organs. Geranium oil improves immune function and is helpful for relieving some of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and candidiasis.

Geranium oil provides many European women with relief from female problems such as painful periods, premenstrual syndrome(PMS), and menopausal difficulties. It normalizes fluctuating hormones during menopause..


Geranium oil helps almost any skin type or skin condition. Its stimulating action promotes the regeneration of skin cells and speeds the healing of acne and blemishes. It also soothes dry, sensitive skin. Geranium oil imparts a healthy glow to the complexion, making the skin appear radiant and more youthful. It improves the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Because it stimulates both the lymphatic and circulatory systems, geranium oil helps to combat the kind of sluggish circulation and waste accumulation present with cellulite, and it clears skin that is blemished or dull and dry as a result of the accumulation of toxins. Geranium oils also help control excessive oiliness of the skin.


Pure geranium essential oil and organic golden jojoba oil bottled in a 20ml bottle.


When using for the first time, please press on the tip until the solution completely soaks the tip. Gently apply on your wrist, temple, behind your ear or desired area.

Once soaked, the tip would stay moist for at least a week.

Please refrain from pressing multiple times as it would cause excessive flow or leakages.

Avoid using it on areas with wounds, eczema or dermatitis, if there is any side effect such as swelling, red spot or itch please stop using and consult with a specialist.

Regular price
$45.00 SGD
Regular price
$50.00 SGD
Sale price
$45.00 SGD
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Natural Pocket Perfume No.1
Natural Pocket Perfume No.2

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